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JKSSB issues Exam Dates Of Patwari, Finance Sub Inspector & Various Posts, Check Here
JKSSB issues Exam Dates Of Patwari, Finance Sub Inspector & Various Posts, Check Here
It is hereby notified for the information of aspirants/ candidates that the Jammu and Kashmir Services Selection Board (JKSSB) is going to conduct Written Examinations for various posts advertised under different Advertisement Notifications as per the details mentioned in Annexure “A” to this Notice .
Further, the syllabi for the posts mentioned at Annexure “A” are also hereby re-notified for the convenience of candidates as per the Annexures “AA” to “AK” annexed herewith.
All such candidates who have applied for the posts shown in the Annexure “A”, are accordingly informed to participate in the Written Examinations.
This is the advance notice for information of concerned candidates and is subject
to change/modification. Final dates shall be notified in due course. Further, the
schedule for downloading of Admit Cards shall also be notified separately.
Download Notification: DOWNLOAD HERE