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Kashmir University Big Update Regarding Skill Subjects Examination for BG 5th Semester, Check here

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Kashmir University Big Update Regarding Skill Subjects Examination for BG 5th Semester, Check here

Kashmir University Big Update Regarding Skill Subjects Examination for BG 5th Semester, Check here

Skill subjects examination

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Kashmir University Big Update Regarding Skill Subjects Examination for BG 5th Semester, Check details below

In this post we provide you an update regarding the examination of skill enhancement courses of BG 5th semester batch 2019 and Backlog Batches of 2016_18. There are lot of confusions along students regarding the examination of skil subjects for BG 5th semester.

It is notified for the information of all concerned that pursuant to the recommendations of the Committee constituted by the Academic Council, the examination for Skill Enhancement Courses shall hence onwards be conducted by the respective Colleges as per following mechanism.-

  1. Each Skill Enhancement (Vocational) Course shall be of 4 credits comprising a two credit llecture based theory component and a two credit activity based practical/tutorial component, (each credit shall carry 15 marks), and each component shall be examined and evaluated separately and the awards uploaded on the university portal by the concerned examiners immediately after the completion of examination/evaluation process. For this purpose necessary changes, wherever required, shall be incorporated in the software by the IT Unit of the University and the Colleges shall be provided with the required user id & password to facilitate the process.

  2. The College shall submit the panel of Board of Examiners for each skill enhancement (vocational) course, which shall include the external and local experts in their specific fields to the University for approval of the competent authority.
  3. The students shall deposit Rs.200/- out of prescribed examination fee of Rs.250/-( for the course) in the concerned college, to mee the expenses on account of conduct, evaluation and stationery requirements, and the remaining Rs. 50- shail be deposited along with examination fee of other subjects in the University Chest. However. fee structure for skill enhancement (vocational) courses shall be reviewedrevised as and when there s a change in the overall examination fee structure.

  4. For introduction of a new NSQFNon-NSOF based Skill Enhancement (Vocational) Course’s, the college/s in addition to the other requirements shall oblainsubmit) affiliation from the University (DCDC) (i) NOC from the Administrative Department, draft Syllabus for the Course in 2 Credit Theory and 2 Credit Practical Tutorial formatand the proposed panel of Experts/Examiners


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